Learn about a plethora of career options that you can choose from, in our diverse Career Library. We cover various career scapes, streams & discourses for a global outlook and choice exposure.

Choose from amongst 35+ available career options in the Engineering Sector. Apply your scientific execution skills today for easing real life & research prospects.
Aerospace/Aeronautics |
Astronaut |
Agriculture and Food Engineer |
Instrumentation Engineer |
Material and Metallurgical Engineer |
Mineral Engineer |
Petroleum Engineer |
Pulp and Paper Engineer |
Polymer Engineer |
Textile Engineer |
Civil Engineer |
Environmental Engineering |
Electronics Engineer |
Engineering Physics |
Sound Engineer |
System Engineer |
Biomedical Engineer |
Computer Engineering |
Electrical Engineering |
Automobiles Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering |
Ceramic Engineering |
Industrial Engineer |
Manufacturing Engineer |
Production and Industrial Engineer |
Biological Sciences and Bio-Engineering |
Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering |
Construction Management |
Naval Architect |
Mathematician/Mathematics and Computing |
Ethical Hacker |
Geophysics & Meteorology |

Science and Technology
Have your pick from the MMC scapes of Knowledge Generation through predictive & objective insights about the universe & nature and ensure applicability through various Technical advancements.
Dairy and Food Technologists |
Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists |
Astronomers |
Astronomy and Astrophysicist |
Agronomist |
Nanobiotechnology/Nanotechnologist |
Chemical Science and Technology |
Computer Science/Information Technologist |
Computer Programmer |
Database Administrator |
Geologist |
Forestry |
Physicist |
Environmental Scientist |
Botanist |
Biomedical Researcher |
Research and Development in Science |
Microbiologist |
Geneticist |
Biophysicist |
Biotechnologist |
Biochemistry Research Scientist |
Paleontology |
Marine Biology |
Footwear Technologist |
Forensics |
Data Science |
Cybersecurity |
Public Health Entomology |
Photonics |
Flavour Chemistry |
Sereculture |

Social Sciences
Find career prospects in the various branches of social sciences, that deal with human behavior in relation to social & cultural norms.
Geographer |
Historian |
Sociologist |
Home Science |
Linguist |
Political Researcher |
Psychologist (Ph.D.) |
Anthropologist |
Archaeologist |
Library and Information Science/Archivist/Bibliographical Studies |
Politics |
Gerontology |

A specialized branch of science that deals specifically with Agriculture as an academic discipline that involves the study of technicalities, research & business aspects of the same.
Agriculture Scientist |
Animal and Fisheries Scientist |
Animal Geneticist and Breeder |
Veterinarian/Animal Science |
Horticulturist |
Plant Genetics and Breeder |

Art & Design
A booming industry after the Digital Makeover of the World, Art & Design does not limit itself anymore to Pen/Paper virtues and finds varied career prospects in advertising, GD, Communication design, etc.
Image Consulting |
Fashion Styling & Personal Shopping |
Visual Designer |
Textile Designer |
Accessory Designer |
Automobile Designer |
Architect |
Art director |
Artist |
Cartoonist |
Ceramics Design |
Computer animation/Visual effects |
Computer art |
Cosmetology/Make-up artist |
Costume designer |
Furniture Design |
Game Design |
Graphic designer/Fine Arts |
Interior Design |
Jewelry Design |
Martial arts |
Painters/Illustrators |
Design Engineer |
Pottery |
Sculptor |
Set design |
Visual arts |
Web design |
Commercial Art Designer |
Fine Arts |
Fashion designer |

Medicine & Healthcare
Medicine is the field of health and healing. It includes nurses, doctors, and various specialists. It covers diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, medical research and many other aspects of health. Medicine aims to promote and maintain health and well-being.
Clinical Research |
Aerospace Medicine |
Skin Specialist |
Gynecologist |
Dentist/Orthodontist |
Physiotherapist |
Nursing |
Occupational therapist |
Surgeon |
Radiologist |
Medical Technicians |
Medicine (neurologist/cardiologist) |
Medical researcher |
Doctor (Physician) |
Psychiatrist (Medical College) |
Dietician |
Pathologist |
Pharmacist |
Speech-language pathologist |

Commerce & Management
The business & economic sector holds many prestigious jobs, along the lines of conduct of trade and commerce amongst economic agents. Management signifies the organization & coordination of commercial and trade activities & MMC has listed 20+ jobs in this sector.
E-Retailers |
Marketing (Brand Manager) |
Economist |
Statistician |
Trainer |
Business Development Manager |
Business Economist |
Stock Broker |
Human Resources Manager |
Insurance |
International Relations |
Interpreter |
Management Consultant |
Market Research Analyst |
Office Manager |
Retail Manager |
Sales Manager |
Accounting/Tax advisor |
Charter Accountant /Auditor |
Cost Accountant |
Banking |
Finance Manager |
Financial Analyst |
Investment banking |
Market Research Analyst |
Wildlife management |
Entrepreneur |
Real Estate |
Disaster Manager |
Forest Manager |
Marketing |
Administrative Assistant |
Customer service |

Mass Media & Journalism
The job profile in this sector includes assessing, creating, reporting & presenting news and information broadcast for various private & public players in the industry.
Actor |
Advertising and Marketing Communication Manager |
Film producer |
Filmmaker/Film technologist |
Photographer |
Social Media marketer |
Commentator and TV Anchor |
Copy Writer |
Film Editor |
Multimedia Designer |
Journalist |
Publicist |
Web Development |
Filmmaker/Film School Teaching |
Creative writing/Poetry |
Public relations Manager |
Proofreader/Copy Editor |
Literary editor |
Web Content Development/Professional writing |
YouTubing |
Video Editing & Graphics Designing |
Technical Writer |
Critics |
Art Director |
Sound & Recording Specialist |
Science Communicator |
Health Journalist |

There are varied career scapes in the Defence sector, MOD-GOI. The major task remains as obtaining directives from the GOI on defence & security-related matters and communicating them for implementation to assigned Establishments and R&D.
Army |
Navy |
Air-force |
Merchant Navy |
Paramilitary Services (C.R.P.F and B.S.F.) |

Tourism & Hospitality
A vast and an ever-growing sector, Tourism & Hospitality includes all economic activities that relate to travel, tourism, hotels, restaurants, catering, etc. The industry has boomed in the last few years with an enormous scope & career leverage.
Hotel Management |
Chef |
Event manager |
Waiter/Waitress |
Hospitality management |
Flight attendant |
Tour guide |

Law & Order
One of the most stable & dignified career stands, legal services are the pillars of the nation’s justice & economic well-being. Find which career suits you best under the law & order framework.
Lawyer |
Company Secretary |
Court Reporter |
IPR Attorney |
Medical Legal Advisors |

Education & Social Work
A wholesome career scope remains in the research & development sector which includes teaching & social work profiles with NGOs & other such semi-organizations. One can find both government & private jobs in the education sector.
Music Teacher |
Physical Education Teacher |
Dance Teacher |
Educational Researcher |
University Teacher (all fields) |
Mathematics Teacher |
Education Administrator |
Early Childhood Educator |
Social Work (M.S.W.) |
Special Educator |
Language Teacher |
Art Teacher |
Literature Teacher |
Technology Education Faculty |
Activist |
Vocational Education Faculty |
Education/Counseling or Teaching |
Educational Administration/Principal |
Art therapist/Dance therapy/Drama therapy/Music therapy |

Administrative Services
Find the various types of Administrative jobs that are listed under the State, Concurrent & Union list of the Government of India. One of the most popular competitive options available in the public service for the nation.
Public Administration |
IAS/Civil Service |
Indian Economic Service |
Indian Engineering Services |
Indian Forest Service |
Police Officer |

Media & Entertainment
Find a wide variety of job prospects in the Performing Arts space. You can choose to be a performer or a director, a technical specialist, or an art skill provider. This is a fast-paced, progressing industry with cultural connotations of sorts.
Dancer/Choreography |
Musician (Instrumental) |
Singer |
Talk Show Host |
Fashion Model |

If you are fit & have rigorous stamina, and confidence or you want to build upon these physical & mental virtues, there are many performing options in the Sports sector. There are also various job profiles that help you become trainers & therapists.
Athletic Trainer/Physical Fitness Trainer |
Yoga Therapist |
Athlete |
Sports Coach |
Umpire |